Hello World

Hello World

I thought it would be a fun little project to self host my own website. It’s not something I’ve ever done before, but considering people have been doing this for decades that it couldn’t be that difficult to figure out. I don’t know if it was just me, but it seemed far more convoluted than I expected. From getting the proper DNS settings worked out on the domain registrar to database and language settings installed on my server. Maybe websites back in the 90s that were just static HTML webpages weren’t as complicated. Or perhaps most people don’t bother self hosting their sites. My main goal was to avoid paying even $10 a month to some hosting service for a site that is going to almost never be viewed and will generate no revenue. I don’t like ads or the ad driven internet that has been created by them so there is no chance I’d ever implement such things here even if it helped keep the website self sufficient.

Now that the site is up and running and shouldn’t ever go offline I am going to try and write a little bit about one of the few things I am passionate about. That of course is science fiction books, tv series and movies. I don’t know how well I will be able to do this or how long I will do it for. The website needs some topic though and I think that is the only thing I can motivate myself to write about.

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